Success stories

Simplify your learning

Easily Master Complex Topics

Our ready-made flashcards turn complicated ideas into simple points. Rate your confidence after reviewing, and let our smart system use spaced repetition to boost your memory.

Stay on track

Built-in Revision Schedule

Never miss a review session. Our app schedules your revisions and reminds you at the perfect time to keep information fresh and strengthen your memory.

Elevate your confidence

Comprehensive Testing

Challenge yourself with topic-wise quizzes, explore over 10,000 questions, and tackle past UPSC papers. Stay updated on current affairs through our Daily Hunt quizzes. Boost your confidence by practicing under real exam conditions.

Visualize your progress

Fuel your motivation

Monitor your daily card completions at a glance, earn badges for hitting new milestones, and see exactly where you stand on the leaderboard. By combining real-time analytics with friendly competition, you’ll stay determined to push your learning further—every single day.

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Kickstart your preparation with ready-to-use tools

Access all the resources you need—flashcards, revision schedules, quizzes, and more—to streamline your UPSC journey without starting from scratch.

Your trusted partner to success in it for the long haul

We’re dedicated to your success and have been supporting students for years. Rest assured, we’re here to stay.

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Android 8.0+

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iOS 15.6+

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